Welcome to our trivia quiz where we will be testing your knowledge on some fascinating historical events from the 1960s!
In 1961, swimmer Antonio Abertondo made history by becoming the first person to swim a certain body of water both ways. Can you guess which one it was?
The year 1962 was a significant one for Jamaica as it gained independence from what European country?
Do you know which European leader survived a failed assassination attempt in August of 1962?
In July of 1967, the Greek government made a controversial decision to deprive 480 Greek citizens of something very important. What was it?
The Beatles faced a ban by the BBC in May of 1967 due to references in their song 'A Day in the Life'. Can you guess what those references were about?
Jacques Anquetil from a certain European country won the Tour de France in 1962. Can you name that country?
Another European country made history in 1966 when Francis Chester became the first person to solo sail around the world. Do you know which country he was from?
Belgium and the Netherlands had a significant milestone in their sports history in 1966 when they engaged in their 100th international match of what sport?
In January of 1962, Pope John XXIII took a drastic step by excommunicating what world leader from the Catholic Church?
President John F. Kennedy made a historic visit to what European Island Nation in June of 1963?
Get ready to test your knowledge and see how many of these questions you can get right! Good luck!
..ooOOoo.. Trivia Quiz ..ooO
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